USGS SESC - Biscayne - Herpetofauna - 2002-2003

Latest version published by United States Geological Survey on Oct 6, 2016 United States Geological Survey
Publication date:
6 October 2016
CC0 1.0

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The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) requires the use of ecological indicators to measure the success of restoration efforts. The Everglades amphibian community is ideal because amphibians are present in all habitats and under all hydrologic regimes. During Everglades restoration, hydrologic patterns will change and the response of ecological indicators will determine success. Fourteen amphibian species were detected through VES, vocalization surveys and trapping methods throughout the study and the occurrence information collected in this project database. USGS Southeast Ecological Science Center (SESC).

Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 380 records.

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.


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Researchers should respect the following rights statement:

The publisher and rights holder of this work is United States Geological Survey. To the extent possible under law, the publisher has waived all rights to these data and has dedicated them to the Public Domain (CC0 1.0). Users may copy, modify, distribute and use the work, including for commercial purposes, without restriction.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 08e03b4d-a30e-4dfd-978c-36712c7ccbd6.  United States Geological Survey publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF-US.


Occurrence; amphibians restoration ecological indicators reptiles ARMI; Observation


Kenneth Rice
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
SESC Center Director
U.S. Geological Survey
7920 NW 71 ST
32653 Gainesville
Matt Cannister
  • Metadata Provider
U.S. Geological Survey
7920 NW 71 ST
32653 Gainesville

Geographic Coverage

Biscayne Bay National Park, Florida, USA

Bounding Coordinates South West [25.385, -80.347], North East [25.542, -80.174]

Taxonomic Coverage

No Description available

Species Lithobates grylio (Pig Frog), Gastrophryne carolinensis (Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad), Anaxyrus terrestris (Southern Toad), Rhinella marina (Cane Toad), Hyla squirella (Squirrel Treefrog), Hyla cinerea (Green Tree Frog), Acris gryllus (Southern Cricket Frog), Osteopilus septentrionalis (Cuban Treefrog), Eleutherodactylus planirostris (Greenhouse Frog), Ramphotyphlops braminus (Brahminy Blind Snake), Elaphe alleghaniensis (Eastern Ratsnake), Hemidactylus garnotii (Fox Gecko), Hemidactylus mabouia (Cosmopolitan House Gecko), Anolis carolinensis (Green Anole), Norops sagrei (Brown Anole), Eumeces inexpectatus (Southeastern Five-lined Skink), Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligator)
Subspecies Lithobates sphenocephalus sphenocephalus (Florida Leopard Frog), Elaphe guttata guttata (Corn Snake), Nerodia fasciata pictiventris (Florida Water Snake), Nerodia clarkii compressicauda (Mangrove Salt Marsh Snake), Diadophis punctatus punctatus (Southern Ringneck Snake), Sphaerodactylus notatus notatus (Florida Reef Gecko)

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 2002-03-28 / 2003-09-24

Additional Metadata

The original dataset contains many fields with information such as environmental variables, observers/collectors, and field notes associated with each record. Use the 'Point of Contact' in this document for a complete list of, and to gain access to, fields associated with this subset of the original dataset. More complete metadata document available at

Purpose Collect baseline data on the status of amphibian populations in Biscayne National Park to be compiled into the Open-File Report OFR_2007-1057, titled "Herpetofaunal Inventories of the National Parks of South Florida and the Caribbean: Volume IV. Biscayne National Park"
Alternative Identifiers 08e03b4d-a30e-4dfd-978c-36712c7ccbd6