USGS ASC - Changing Arctic Ecosystems - Birdlist - 2011-2013

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Through the Changing Arctic Ecosystems initiative, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) strives to inform key resource management decisions for Arctic Alaska by providing scientific information on current and future ecosystem response to a warming climate. Our research is (1) examining critical physical and landscape-scale changes in the environment; (2) assessing key ecological drivers of population change; and (3) projecting future abundance and distribution of focal species, including mammals, birds, fish, and aquatic invertebrates that use the landscapes of the Arctic in different ways and likely will express differently the consequences of changes to the associated ecosystems. This dataset is a list of all bird species observed, and their location, during the 2011-13 field seasons for this project. USGS Alaska Science Center (ASC).


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Occurrence; birds; Alaska; North Slope; Observation



The Arctic Coastal Plain: Measuring and Forecasting the Response of Alaska’s Terrestrial Ecosystem to a Warming Climate UTF-8 html
Changing Arctic Ecosystems Measuring and Forecasting the Response of Alaska’s Terrestrial Ecosystem to a Warming Climate UTF-8 pdf


Annie Simpson
  • 元數據提供者
  • 出處
  • 處理者
Biologist & Information Scientist
U. S. Geological Survey
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Mailstop 302
20192 Reston
+1 703 648 4281
Thomas Fondell
  • 連絡人
  • 研究主持人
Research Wildlife Biologist
U.S. Geological Survey - Alaska Science Center
4210 University Drive
99508 Anchorage
+1 907 786 7155
Joel Schmutz
  • 研究主持人
Research Wildlife Biologist
U.S. Geological Survey - Alaska Science Center
4210 University Drive
99508 Anchorage
+1 907 786 7186
Brian Uher-Koch
  • 內容提供者
Research Wildlife Biologist
U.S. Geological Survey - Alaska Science Center
4210 University Drive
99508 Anchorage
+1 907 786 7052


This study is being conducted on Alaska's North Slope, on the Arctic Coastal Plain between the Brooks Range and the Arctic Ocean, north of the Arctic Circle (~70° 32' N, -155° 21' W). More specifically, our research is confined to two, 7 km2 study plots, approximately 35 km apart, along the Chipp River, 100 km (60 miles) southeast of the community of Barrow. Each plot exhibits different ecological and climatic characteristics; Chipp North (N 70.686, W-155.304) is coastal and lower lying, while the Chipp South (N 70.395, W -155.407) is more inland, having rolling terrain features.

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [70.395, -155.409], 緯度北界 經度東界 [70.686, -155.305]



Class Aves (birds)


起始日期 2011-06-22



計畫名稱 USGS AK Science Ctr - Changing Arctic Ecosystems - birdlist
經費來源 USGS Changing Arctic Ecosystems initiative
研究區域描述 This study is being conducted on Alaska's North Slope, on the ACP between the Brooks Range and the Arctic Ocean, north of the Arctic Circle (~70° 32' N, -155° 21' W). This area is part of the NPR-A, where oil and gas development is expected to increase, and is owned and managed by the BLM. The region consists of low tundra, including sedge, moss, dwarf-shrub wetlands (W2) and tussock-sedge, dwarf-shrub, moist tundra (G4) ecosystems described in the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (Walker et al. 2005). There is an extensive system of fish-bearing lakes and several major drainage rivers. More specifically, our research is confined to two, 7 km2 study plots, approximately 35 km apart, along the Chipp River, 100 km (60 miles) southeast of the community of Barrow. Each plot exhibits different ecological and climatic characteristics; Chipp North (N 70.686, W-155.304) is coastal and lower lying, while the Chipp South (N 70.395, W -155.407) is more inland, having rolling terrain features.


Thomas Fondell
  • 研究主持人


Bird List – As biologists conducted their field studies they noted all bird species observed. Observations were compiled into a list for each study area (i.e., Chipp North and Chipp South). In the 2013 season, day of observation was not included.

研究範圍 Chipp North (N 70.686, W-155.304) is coastal and low lying.


  1. Record all bird species observed.


  1. Paruk, J. D., K. G. Wright, B.D. Uher-Koch, D.C. Evers, J. S. Fair, and C.E. Gray. Breeding Ecology of the Yellow-billed Loons (Gavia adamsii) on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska 2013. Biodiversity Research Institute Report # 2013-12, Gorham, Maine.
  2. Walker, D.A., M.K. Raynolds, F.J.A. Daniels, E. Einarsson, A. Elvebakk, W.A. Gould, A.E. Katenin, S.S. Kholod, D.J. Markon, E.S. Melnikov, N.G. Moskalenko, S.S. Talbot, and B.A. Yurtsev. 2005. Journal of Vegetation Science 16(3): 267-282.
  3. Pearce, J., T. DeGange, P. Flint, T. Fondell, D. Gustine, L. Holland-Bartels, A. Hope, J. Hupp, J. Koch, S. Talbot, D. Ward, and M. Whalen. 2012. Changing Arctic Ecosystems—Measuring and forecasting the response of Alaska's terrestrial ecosystem to a warming climate. U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2012-3144, 4 p.
