Beginning in the mid-1900s , naturalist Daniel Smiley and his associates and successors at the Daniel Smiley Research Center documented extensive natural history observations of the flora and fauna of the Shawangunk Ridge on over 14,000 3x5” index cards. Observations are highly detailed and often include narrative descriptions as well as basic observational information. The duration, extent and specificity of this dataset provide a wealth of information to support and inform biodiversity research, environmental management and ecological sciences.
Записи данных
Данные этого occurrence ресурса были опубликованы в виде Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), который является стандартным форматом для обмена данными о биоразнообразии в виде набора из одной или нескольких таблиц. Основная таблица данных содержит 51 046 записей.
Данный экземпляр IPT архивирует данные и таким образом служит хранилищем данных. Данные и метаданные ресурсов доступны для скачивания в разделе Загрузки. В таблице версий перечислены другие версии ресурса, которые были доступны публично, что позволяет отслеживать изменения, внесенные в ресурс с течением времени.
В таблице ниже указаны только опубликованные версии ресурса, которые доступны для свободного скачивания.
Исследователи должны соблюдать следующие права:
Публикующей организацией и владельцем прав на данную работу является Mohonk Preserve. Насколько это возможно по закону, издатель отказался от всех прав на эти данные и посвятил их Public Domain (CC0 1.0)а>. Пользователи могут без ограничений копировать, изменять, распространять и использовать работу, в том числе в коммерческих целях.
Регистрация в GBIF
Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: 1260b7e1-852a-4344-8299-3426ab4ffc19. Mohonk Preserve отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке GBIF-US.
Ключевые слова
Occurrence; Observation
- Originator
- Originator
- Metadata Provider ●
- Originator
- Originator
- Metadata Provider ●
- Originator
- Originator
- Originator
- Originator
- User
- Point Of Contact
- User
Географический охват
Collected in the vicinity of Mohonk Preserve on the Shawangunk Ridge in New Paltz, Ulster County, NY, USA
Ограничивающие координаты | Юг Запад [41,754, -74,153], Север Восток [41,754, -74,153] |
Данные проекта
Beginning in the mid-1900s, naturalist Daniel Smiley and his associates and successors at the Daniel Smiley Research Center documented extensive natural history observations of the flora and fauna of the Shawangunk Ridge on over 14,000 3x5” index cards. Observations are highly detailed and often include narrative descriptions as well as basic observational information.
Название | Mohonk Preserve Historical Observational Natural History Data |
Финансирование | Institute of Museum and Library Services Museums for America Program Grant, 2019. |
Методы сбора
The first step in digitizing the natural history index card collection was to produce an image scan for the front (and, if relevant, back) of each card. This was completed by Mohonk Preserve’s Digitization Technician with the assistance of volunteers. Scanned images of the cards were uploaded to the Zooniverse Notes from Nature platform for transcription by remote volunteers. Staff provided support in designing the project, troubleshooting issues that came up during the transcription process and responding to volunteer questions. In July of 2020, Mohonk Preserve publicly launched the project on Zooniverse, titled “A Century of Natural History Observations”. This original launch of the project only contained a subset of cards, mainly bird and plant species. This first set of cards was completely transcribed by the end of October 2020, and a second set of cards was added to the project in early November 2020. In total, 14,435 cards were added to the Zooniverse project, and 2,657 volunteers from around the world contributed to the transcription effort. All uploaded cards were completely transcribed in early June of 2021.
Охват исследования | Mohonk Preserve co-founder and prominent regional naturalist Daniel Smiley was an avid observer and recorder of the natural world around him. He methodically recorded observations on 3x5 index cards throughout his life and trained his associates and successors to do the same. This resulted in a unique, detailed record of the flora and fauna of the Shawangunk Ridge over many decades. Each index card contains information similar to a museum specimen label (i.e. date, location, observer’s name, taxonomy), and other pertinent information such as weather, behavior (for animals), phenological information, and historical context. Many cards also contain additional narrative notes. |
Контроль качества | Once volunteer card transcription was completed, staff began the process of data review and cleaning. In order to help catch errors in transcription, Zooniverse will present the same card to four different volunteers. If all four volunteers transcribe the same information, then that card is accepted and considered complete. If, however, there are differences in the transcriptions, Zooniverse will present the card to at least one more volunteer. If the card still comes back with uncertainty, it will be sent back to the developers as incomplete. Due to volunteer difficulties in interpreting observer handwriting, volunteer inconsistencies in spelling and punctuation, and idiosyncratic notation and abbreviation styles by the original observers, a large number of index cards were returned as incomplete. Incomplete cards were replicated – sometimes multiple times – in the transcription spreadsheet, and data cleaning focused first on removing replicates. This was accomplished by a combination of manual review and coded scripts in R. Subsequent data cleanup focused on correcting discrepancies in common names, reconciling common names with current scientific names, and accuracy-checking observer and location data. Finally, data were reorganized to meet Darwin Core standards and linked to appropriate image records for the original scanned index cards. |
Описание этапа методики:
- Mohonk Preserve co-founder and prominent regional naturalist Daniel Smiley was an avid observer and recorder of the natural world around him. He methodically recorded observations on 3x5 index cards throughout his life and trained his associates and successors to do the same. This resulted in a unique, detailed record of the flora and fauna of the Shawangunk Ridge over many decades. Each index card contains information similar to a museum specimen label (i.e. date, location, observer’s name, taxonomy), and other pertinent information such as weather, behavior (for animals), phenological information, and historical context. Many cards also contain additional narrative notes.
Дополнительные метаданные
Альтернативные идентификаторы | 1260b7e1-852a-4344-8299-3426ab4ffc19 |
https://ipt.gbif.us/resource?r=mohonk-index-card |