Mohonk Preserve Grassland Field Monitoring 2017-2021

Dernière version Publié par Mohonk Preserve le déc. 31, 2022 Mohonk Preserve
Date de publication:
31 décembre 2022
Publié par:
Mohonk Preserve
CC0 1.0

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Between 2017-2021, Mohonk Preserve inventoried vegetation in its old-fields and grasslands. The goal was to increase understanding and knowledge of the Preserve’s vegetation communities so informed management strategies could be developed. This data provides information on species composition; occurrence frequency; vegetation type (woody, forb, grass, sedge, etc.); species percent cover (dominance); and species listed, invasive, and pollinator importance status. Five fields have been sampled thus far: Spring Farm (SF, plots [n]= 96); Glory Hill (GF, n= 45); Testimonial Gateway (TG, n= 66); Brook Farm (BF, n= 36); and Pine Farm (PF, n= 27). Soil samples were taken from three sites in 2018: Spring Farm, Glory Hill, and Testimonial Gateway. All data collection occurred between the months of May and August. There are plans to add more plots to sites Brook Farm, Pine Farm, and a field that has not yet been sampled, Klein kill Farm. There are no immediate plans to resample Spring Farm, Glory Hill, or Testimonial Gateway.

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Director of Conservation Science
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
  • Director of Conservation Science
Mohonk Preserve
  • PO Box 715
12561 New Paltz
New York
  • 8452550919
Megan Napoli
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Research Ecologist
Mohonk Preserve
Alexis Garretson
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
  • Research Associate
Mohonk Preserve
Natalie Feldsine
  • Créateur
  • Research Collection and Citizen Science Coordinator
Mohonk Preserve
Elizabeth C. Long
  • Créateur
  • Affiliate
Mohonk Preserve
Catherine T Ferreri
  • Créateur
  • Field Technician
Mohonk Preserve
Jacob C Erle
  • Créateur
  • Field Technician
Mohonk Preserve
Miriam Quintana Vargas
  • Créateur
  • Field Technician
Mohonk Preserve
Chris Chinkan
  • Créateur
  • Field Technician
Mohonk Preserve
Ralph Green
  • Créateur
  • Field Technician
Mohonk Preserve
Michael Vivirito
  • Créateur
  • Field Technician
Mohonk Preserve
Penelope Adler-Colvin
  • Créateur
  • Field Technician
Mohonk Preserve
Julia Solomon
  • Utilisateur
  • Director of Conservation Programs
Mohonk Preserve
  • PO Box 715
12561 New Paltz
New York
  • 8452550919

Couverture géographique

Data are collected from fields onsite at Mohonk Preserve in New Paltz, New York.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [41,741, -74,151], Nord Est [41,802, -74,115]

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 2017-07-31 / 2021-08-24

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Data is collected by using transects and quadrats. Each site is divided into subfields; in each sub-field, 1-3 (depending on field size) 30-meter (m) transects are placed at either a random (SF, GH, TG) or chosen (BF, PF) location. Each transect rope is laid out in a southern (compass bearing 180°) direction. Along this transect, a 1x1 m quadrat is placed at 5 m, 15m, and 25 m along the western (right) side of the transect rope. Inside the quadrat each species is identified as low as possible in taxonomic rank; the goal is to species but sometimes there is only time to identify to genus or family. The percent cover for each species is then estimated using pre-measured cardboard squares (1-10%) as reference. The total live vegetation percent cover of a quadrat does not have to equal 100% (and often was greater) due to layering of vegetation. Bare ground and dead vegetation percent cover were also estimated within each quadrat. Each transect location is sampled twice, once in the Early Season (typically May-June) and once in the Late Season (typically late July-August).

Etendue de l'étude Data are collected from fields onsite at Mohonk Preserve in New Paltz, New York.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Data is collected by using transects and quadrats. Each site is divided into subfields; in each sub-field, 1-3 (depending on field size) 30-meter (m) transects are placed at either a random (SF, GH, TG) or chosen (BF, PF) location. Each transect rope is laid out in a southern (compass bearing 180°) direction. Along this transect, a 1x1 m quadrat is placed at 5 m, 15m, and 25 m along the western (right) side of the transect rope. Inside the quadrat each species is identified as low as possible in taxonomic rank; the goal is to species but sometimes there is only time to identify to genus or family. The percent cover for each species is then estimated using pre-measured cardboard squares (1-10%) as reference. The total live vegetation percent cover of a quadrat does not have to equal 100% (and often was greater) due to layering of vegetation. Bare ground and dead vegetation percent cover were also estimated within each quadrat. Each transect location is sampled twice, once in the Early Season (typically May-June) and once in the Late Season (typically late July-August).

Métadonnées additionnelles

Identifiants alternatifs 12b18c27-d292-4aa6-a23e-246e14b0a443