About this project The Copper River Watershed Project (CRWP) is mapping, monitoring, and treating invasive plants across the Copper River watershed to help prevent the spread into our pristine ecosystem. Project goal Learn more about invasive plants in the Copper River watershed and the work the CRWP is doing to manage them. What participants do Help the Copper River Watershed Project track and remove invasive plant populations by reporting new sightings. One of the main programs at the CRWP is the Invasive Plant Program. Since 2010 staff have been mapping, monitoring, and treating invasive plants across the Copper River watershed. Explore this dataset to learn more about where, when, and which species have been monitored and treated over the last decade. We also want your help! The Copper River watershed is large (26,500 square miles) and we're asking for your assistance in tracking new infestations of invasive pants. If you see invasive plants use this project to report which species it is and where you found it. Please include a picture if possible. Our high priority invasive plant targets are reed canarygrass, orange hawkweed, bird vetch, white sweetclover, and oxeye daisy. For more information visit our website. For more information about invasive plants in Alaska, visit the Alaska Center for Conservation Science's Alaska Exotic Plants Information Clearinghouse (AKEPIC).
データ レコード
この オカレンス(観察データと標本) リソース内のデータは、1 つまたは複数のデータ テーブルとして生物多様性データを共有するための標準化された形式であるダーウィン コア アーカイブ (DwC-A) として公開されています。 コア データ テーブルには、1,087 レコードが含まれています。
拡張データ テーブルは1 件存在しています。拡張レコードは、コアのレコードについての追加情報を提供するものです。 各拡張データ テーブル内のレコード数を以下に示します。
この IPT はデータをアーカイブし、データ リポジトリとして機能します。データとリソースのメタデータは、 ダウンロード セクションからダウンロードできます。 バージョン テーブルから公開可能な他のバージョンを閲覧でき、リソースに加えられた変更を知ることができます。
パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は The Community Environmental Health Laboratory at MDI Biological Laboratory。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
このリソースをはGBIF と登録されており GBIF UUID: f6829e7c-f168-4de5-bbc4-c93e2e10d8b0が割り当てられています。 GBIF-US によって承認されたデータ パブリッシャーとして GBIF に登録されているThe Community Environmental Health Laboratory at MDI Biological Laboratory が、このリソースをパブリッシュしました。
Occurrence; Observation
- 最初のデータ採集者 ●
- 連絡先
- 最初のデータ採集者 ●
- 連絡先
- 最初のデータ採集者 ●
- 連絡先
- メタデータ提供者 ●
- 最初のデータ採集者 ●
- データ利用者 ●
- 連絡先
- 連絡先
Alaska, United States
座標(緯度経度) | 南 西 [60.436, -146.329], 北 東 [63.031, -142.998] |
開始日 / 終了日 | 2014-06-18 / 2022-06-25 |
Anecdata is a free online citizen science platform developed by the Community Lab at the MDI Biological Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine. Anecdata is used by hundreds of individuals and organizations to gather and access citizen science observations and provides a platform to easily collect, manage, and share their citizen science data. How Anecdata works: Project managers create projects, creating datasheets that participants fill out to share their observations. Participants join projects and use the Anecdata website or mobile app to share their observations with the project. Project data is now available for anyone to view and download!
タイトル | Anecdata.org |
識別子 | Anecdata.org |
- 研究代表者
- キュレーター
What participants do Help the Copper River Watershed Project track and remove invasive plant populations by reporting new sightings.
Study Extent | About this project The Copper River Watershed Project (CRWP) is mapping, monitoring, and treating invasive plants across the Copper River watershed to help prevent the spread into our pristine ecosystem. Project goal Learn more about invasive plants in the Copper River watershed and the work the CRWP is doing to manage them. |
Method step description:
- One of the main programs at the CRWP is the Invasive Plant Program. Since 2010 staff have been mapping, monitoring, and treating invasive plants across the Copper River watershed. Explore this dataset to learn more about where, when, and which species have been monitored and treated over the last decade. We also want your help! The Copper River watershed is large (26,500 square miles) and we're asking for your assistance in tracking new infestations of invasive pants. If you see invasive plants use this project to report which species it is and where you found it. Please include a picture if possible. Our high priority invasive plant targets are reed canarygrass, orange hawkweed, bird vetch, white sweetclover, and oxeye daisy.
代替識別子 | f6829e7c-f168-4de5-bbc4-c93e2e10d8b0 |
https://ipt.gbif.us/resource?r=copper-river |